iLivid Download Manager questions & answers

A convenient solution for downloading media from URLs and torrent files
Question by tseuns
April 24, 2019

i have never been successful in downloading it, pls send me a direct link to download and install. it breaks each time i try.

Question by frank
April 21, 2015

Is there a version of iLivid for Blackberry phones? Please advise if it is possible to use iLivid on BlackBerry phones.

Answer by Robert Polubinski

No, there is no version of iLivid compatible with BlackBerry phones. I have tried finding a version, but it appears the download manager is compatible with Windows operating systems only (operating system installed on laptops and desktop PCs). At this point, there is no information related to the availability of the iLivid application for BlackBerry phones.

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Guest #30599557
Question by Guest #30599557
February 21, 2014
Answer by Alex Urbach

iLivid Download Manager is just a download manager. It will download the files offered by the website. You can't select the exact file formats for a video unless there are other versions uploaded on the video sharing website from where you perform the download.

Answer by Alex Urbach

Try using Revo Uninstaller. Even if it can't uninstall the application normally, it will force it to uninstall by wiping out all traces of its presence from the system.

After that, try running AdwCleaner to make sure that there are no leftover rogue registry keys or toolbars in your system.

Notice that it's necessary to run AdwCleaner because the setup installed toolbars and customized your browser's homepage.

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Question by Guest
January 22, 2014
Answer by Aiden McLeod

The default download path of this software is C:\Users\UserName\Download. You can also access the download folder by clicking on the My Downloads button that is situated in the main window of the program in the upper right corner.

Question by Guest
October 31, 2013

My Ilivid Video download manager seems to have ran out of space for my YouTube downloaded music videos, and I've only got about 60 or so songs on it. How can I move them out of there to free more space? What does that "Remove Completed" in the top tool bar mean? Is that something to do with it? I'm scared to left-click on it in case it will delete / erase all my music videos. Can you please help me?

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Answer by Aiden McLeod

The default download path for this program is C:\Users\UserName\Downloads. If you ran out of space, you can go to the folder above mentioned (in case you changed the destination, go to current path that you set up) and copy your videos to another location, on another partition. To automatically go to the download folder, you can click on the My Downloads button inside the program.

The Remove Completed button will automatically remove the completed items from the program's list. By doing this, all your downloaded data will still be available in the download folder.

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